When preparing your manuscript please use article templates provided: 

Manuscripts are divided into the following ordered sections:

Title Page
Structured Abstract (for Full Research Articles, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Short Communications and Technical Reports) OR
Abstract (for Case Reports)
Key Words
Authors’ contributions
Conflict of interest
Table titles and/or Figure Legends
Tables and/or Figures

Title Page
The title page includes the title of the manuscript as well as the full names and institutional affiliations for all authors. The corresponding author must be indicated.

Title: The title contains no more than 110 characters (including spaces) and is specific to the study. It should be comprehensible to a broad spectrum of readers.

Authors and Affiliations. This includes the first names, middle initials (if used), surnames, and affiliations in the following order: university or organization/institution, department, city, and country for all authors. Superscript numbers (1,2,3) are used in cases where authors are from different institutions.

Corresponding author. One of the authors must be designated as the Corresponding Author (add an asterisk next to the Author's name). Full contact details including postal address, and email address for the corresponding author must be provided.

Short title: A short title of 50 characters or less, including spaces. 

An Abstract not exceeding 250 words must be provided.

Structured abstracts are required for full research articles, short communications and technical reports and are divided into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions. The techniques used must be mentioned without going into methodological detail and the most important findings must be summarized.

An Abstract for a review or mini review is structured and divided into the following sections: Background, Scope and Approach, Key Findings and Conclusions.

Case Reports do not require a Structured Abstract, but include an Abstract that summarizes the case.

What Is Your Diagnosis? articles do not include Abstracts, but authors must provide a Summary of less than 80 words for translation into Serbian language (on a separate page after References).

Citations, tables, specialist abbreviations and significance levels (e.g. P<0.05) are not included in any Abstract.

Authors from Serbia must also submit an Abstract and Key Words in Serbian, including the title (on a separate page after References). Translation of the Abstract and Key Words from English to Serbian language will be performed by the Editorial Office for Authors who are not fluent in Serbian.

Key Words
Below the Abstract, four to six Key Words in alphabetical order must be provided, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (e.g. 'and', 'of'). Key Words do not include words already used in the title of the manuscript. These Key Words will be used for indexing purposes.

The essence of the problem and the purpose of the study should be pointed to in this section. The key aspects of the published literature and research should be reviewed with the aim of indicating why this manuscript is considered to be an original contribution to current scientific knowledge. A detailed literature survey or a summary of the results should be avoided. The last part of the Introduction must contain the specific aim(s) of the study. The introduction does not exceed 400 words.

Materials and Methods
This section includes, as appropriate, a description of study design, experimental animals, analytical methods and statistical analyses. Identify the methods and procedures in sufficient details to allow others to reproduce the study. If methods are widely known, they are not described, but appropriate references must be cited. For new methods, the protocols for the method should be included. Authors must provide references for established methods including statistical methods. Specify any general computer program used. Identify all drugs and chemicals used with generic or chemical names, doses and route of administration. Provide manufacturer, product number, city and country where applicable. Provide the animal welfare ethical statement if applicable.

Results are presented in a logical sequence and in parallel with the Methods (for every Method, there should be a Result), using Tables and/or Figures without duplicating the results between these two formats. To enhance clarity, this section can be divided into subsections, each with a concise subheading in italics and which provides details of findings that are required to support the conclusions made in the manuscript. 

Results should be discussed and related to other relevant studies and to current knowledge where appropriate. However, the Discussion is not used to summarize current knowledge. The Discussion should clearly identify the main Conclusions of the study. Authors are to provide a clear explanation of the importance and relevance of these Conclusions.  Any new information should be distinguished from the previous findings, and relevant hypotheses can be generated.

The Conclusion consists of a short integration of Results that refer directly to the stated aim(s) of the study and a statement on the practical implications of the results. The Conclusions are linked to the aim(s) of the study, avoiding unqualified statements and conclusions not supported by your data. This section should not exceed one short paragraph. Do not summarize the Discussion or current knowledge in this section.

The source of funding for the study should be stated in this section. Those who have made a substantial contribution to the study in terms of design, execution, analysis or manuscript drafting/revision but do not fit the criteria for authorship should be mentioned in this section. Do not include people’s titles, and use only initials and surnames. It is the responsibility of the Authors to ensure that those being acknowledged have agreed to being named in such capacity.

Authors’ contributions 
In order to give appropriate credit to each author of a paper, the individual contributions of authors (recognized by initials) to the manuscript are specified in this section. An author is generally considered to be someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to a published study. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgements section.

Competing interests 
A competing interest exists when your interpretation of data or presentation of information may be influenced by your personal or financial relationship with people or organizations. Authors are required to complete a declaration of competing interests. All competing interests that are declared will be listed at the end of published articles. Where an author gives no competing interests, the listing will read 'The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.

Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). 

In-text citations such as personal communications, unpublished data or in press (if there is no DOI number) are not accepted. Meeting abstracts can be cited only if they are published in SCI journals. Only essential references should be included in the text, and these are restricted to the necessary minimum. Cite in-text references by surname and year in parentheses (e.g. Petrović, 2014). In the case of two authors, use “and” (e.g. Petrović and Jovanović, 2015). The abbreviation “et al.must be used in all cases where more than two authors are cited (e.g. Petrović et al., 2016). Multiple references within parentheses in the text are cited in reverse chronological order (e.g. Petrović et al., 2016; Petrović and Jovanović, 2015; Petrović, 2014). In case the same author has more publications in the same year, additional letters are added next to the year (Petrović et al., 2008a; Petrović et al., 2008b).

The list of references is arranged alphabetically (use the A-Z sort tool on the MS Word Home ribbon to do this if necessary) by the first authors’ surnames.


Rohde A., Hammerl A. J., Appel B., Dieckmann R., Al Dahouk S. 2017. Differential detection of pathogenic Yersinia spp. by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Food Microbiology, 62:39-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2016.09.013.

Books and Monographs:
van Dijk J. E., Gruys E., Mouwen M. J. 2007. Preface to the second edition. In Color Atlas of Veterinary Pathology (Second Edition), ix. Edinburgh: W.B. Saunders.

Books with authored chapters:
Marasas W. F. O. 1996. Fumonisins: History, worldwide occurrence and impact. In Fumonisins in food, advances in experimental medicine and biology. Eds. L. S. Jackson, J. W. DeVries, L. B. Bullerman, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 1­18.

Laws and Regulations:
European Union. 2013. Commission Regulation (EU) No 1019/2013 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 as regards histamine in fishery products. Official Journal of the European Union, L 282:46–47.

Symposiums, Congresses:
Fricker, M. D., Bebber, D., Boddy, L. 2008. Chapter 1 Mycelial networks: Structure and dynamics. In British Mycological Society Symposia Series, edited by J. C. Frankland, L. Boddy and P. van West, 3-18. Academic Press.

Vasilev D., Aleksic B., Tarbuk A., Dimitrijevic M.,  Karabasil N.,  Cobanovic N.,  Vasiljevic N. 2015. Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Serbian traditional fermented sausages sremski and lemeski kulen. In the 58th International Meat Industry Conference (MeatCon2015), Procedia Food Science, 5:300-303. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.profoo.2015.09.071.

Citations with organisations as authors:
European Food Safety Authority. 2016. Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance benzoic acid. EFSA Journal, 14(12):4657-n/a. http://dx.doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2016.4657.

Statistica (Data Analysis Software System). 2006. v.7.1., Stat­Soft, Inc., USA (www.statsoft.com).

Web Links:
OIE: Animal Diseases. Available at: http://www.oie.int/en/animal-health-in-the-world/animal-diseases/. Accessed 21.12.2016.

Veterinarski Glasnik recommends the use of correct and established units, abbreviations, formulae and nomenclature wherever possible.

Units. All specifications must be stated according to the International System of Units (SI). If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI. Symbols for units derived by division are given as negative exponents (e.g. 10 g L-1; 250 V cm-2).

Abbreviations. Any abbreviations of chemical, biological, medical or other terms should only be employed when it is certain that they are internationally known. Abbreviations are not used in the Abstract, and must be defined in parentheses when they are first used in the main text. Do not start a sentence with an abbreviation.

Mathematical Formulae. Submit mathematical equations as editable text and not as images. Present simple formulae in line with normal text where possible and use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms (e.g. A/B). Number consecutively any equations that have to be displayed separately from the text (if referred to explicitly in the text).

Nomenclature & Taxonomy. All medical, chemical, biological or other terms should be used according to the most recent recommendations of the respective international nomenclature. Genus and species names of microorganisms and zoological names are italicized (e.g. Aeromonas hydrophila). Where the genus appears in the title it should be written out in full. In the main text, the genus should be written out in full at first mention and thereafter abbreviated (e.g. A. hydrophila). Authors must ensure that there is no confusion with other genera mentioned in the text. The spelling and taxonomy of names should follow internationally accepted nomenclature. Bacterial names must be in accordance with the latest edition of Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology and/or opinion in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, and viruses are to be given the classification and names recommended by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Enzyme potencies are given in I.U. (International Units) and according to Enzyme Nomenclature. Genes, mutations, genotypes, and alleles are italicized and authors should consult appropriate genetic nomenclature databases. Proteins are not normally italicized. The Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN) of drugs should be provided. Commercial names of other products should only be used where there is no other suitable term for the product. In such cases, the name, city and country of the manufacturer should be provided in parentheses at the first mention of the product.

Tables and Figures
Figures must not be integrated into the main text. Instead, they must be submitted as separate, supplementary files. Each figure is submitted as a separate file.

Please submit tables as editable text and not as image at the end of the manuscript (each table is prepared on a separate page).

Tables and Figures are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.). Uppercase letters A,B,C, etc. should be used to identify parts of multipart figure. Images must be at resolution 300dpi. Allowable formats – JPG, TIFF. For microphotographs, scale bars with appropriate units must be provided. Symbols, arrows or letters used in photographs should contrast with the background.

Results which can be described as short statements within the text must not be presented as Figures or Tables. Data must not be replicated in Tables and Figures.

The titles and legends help make the tables and figures understandable without the reader having to refer to the main text. However, they must also be concise and are not used to re-describe the methodology. Appropriate numbers and titles for tables and numbers and legends (including titles and explanations of markings) for figures are typed single line spaced in the main text and placed next to the relevant text in the article to enable the Copy and Layout Editors to place them properly.

Each table is prepared on a separate page and is appropriately numbered with a short, descriptive table title placed above. Tables can include footnotes, which are placed below the table and explain any abbreviations. Use superscript Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3 etc, in the correct order of reading the table, from top left to bottom right) to link each footnote to the appropriate item in the table requiring explanation. Tables have only three horizontal lines – one each at the top and bottom, and one below the column headings.

Legends for figures do not appear in the figures. However, when uploading the figures in the submission procedures, please ensure that the files are appropriately identified as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Legends for figures include both the figure number and title and explanations of any symbol, line or marking used in the figure and are placed at the appropriate location within the main text.